Happy Garlic Ready for the Snow

Friday, January 14, 2011

Of Plotting and Planting

Garden/Farm Tasks this week:

- Dormant spray in Orchard
- Order/pick up Spring supplies
- Plant bare root fruit trees
- Fix up old cider press
- Spread compost in orchard and raspberries
- Start preparing first beds for early spring greens and roots

"One step ahead" is an essential mantra in this work. Of course winter is an excellent time for the farmer/gardener to take a break but it is also an excellent time to get prepared. In reality, the work of spring for the farmer starts now. In February I will be starting the first broccoli and cabbage of Spring (while still enjoying the Fall 2010 plantings of the same) and from there things will only snowball towards ever constricting bottlenecks. If all the materials, equipment, and seeds are in place when the time comes for the actual dirt works of growing, it will make my job a lot easier (I hate waiting for seed in the mail when I could be getting it into the ground, or trying to figure out where where to sow it when I've got it).

That said, I think I've done perfectly preparing for this year. Every contingency has been planned for and all the ducks are standing quietly in a row waiting their turn at the window. There will be no problems, every seed will come up, every inch of the orchard will blossom, brassicas will thrive, it will rain every 2 weeks, and be sunny and warm the rest of the time. The universe will smile down on its dutiful stewards and we will be grateful always.
Winter is also a time for dreaming...........

But the time for dreaming is coming to an end! The time to act is now!
Get your seeds and start warming 'em up in those expectant hands!
Keep in touch over the 2011 growing season, and Grow Big!

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